Ladder Internships
Job Description
Founded by Harvard alumni, Ladder Internships is a selective program that offers students the opportunity to intern with startups and nonprofits across the world remotely. Intern with innovators in AI, technology, business, engineering, media, journalism, sustainability, healthcare and more. Looking for ambitious students reading to start developing new skills with leading companies around the globe. Internships with real-world companies are challenging. The internship will be fully virtual and will run for a period of 8 weeks. Interns usually require 5-10 hours a week to work on assigned tasks and to meet company management.The program is designed to deliver tangible results without demanding day-to-day work!
Interns engage in diverse projects depending on their interests, project scope, and the host company. Some examples of projects our interns have worked on include strategy development, market analysis, cybersecurity, and coding MVPs.
Job Requirements
Location: Virtual!
Dates: 8-week programs with multiple cohorts throughout the year.
Deadline for Winter Cohort: November 24, 2024